About The Future of AgriFood Supply Chain?
Are you a business leader or in a senior leadership position in an agri-food business and would like to know more about technology implementation in your business to improve margins and improve economical and environmental sustainability?
You are in the right place then.
We write simple and easy to understand articles on software implementation in the agri-food supply chain providing real-world use cases and independent, unfiltered view on the return on the investment (RoI).
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The content we publish will be focused on:
The digital strategy to drive the efficiency and growth of the business;
Advice on the cost of ownership of the technology and recommendations to help businesses optimise the technology spend on cloud infrastructure, enterprise software and integrations;
The ways to integrate a number of different software tools/data sources from the “farm to factory gate” or from the “farm to store/packhouse ” to break the data silos and provide an end-to-end connectivity across the agri-food supply chain;
Achieving sustainability goals and metrics by advising businesses on the implementation of digital tools; and
Sharing real world experiences building, scaling companies and raising investment.
About me
I am a technology entrepreneur who co-founded and built the agri-tech startup KisanHub previously. I have worked in the enterprise software and data analytics space for over 22 years with 7 years building software tools for the financial sector and remaining time on building tools for the agri-food supply chains.
Currently, working on FarmSetu and Mulhouse Trading. These two firms are focussed on full stack agrifood platform and commodities/fresh produce trading, respectively. Together, we are an experienced team of agri-food and software professionals helping businesses to:
Accelerate the digital transformation;
Improve efficiency and business margins; and
Make the food supply chains fully transparent and sustainable.
We have learnt things by building, doing and listening to other talented entrepreneurs and professionals. With our previous backgrounds in finance, agri-food, software and data engineering we understand the complexities of the technology implementation, data silos in the agri-food supply chains, software-hardware integration and challenges in using the data to surface insights for the decision making process to improve business margins.
We are on a mission to make agri-food supply chains efficient, transparent and sustainable using digital tools and by accelerating innovation in the industry.
Please support us by following @1point5Tech @FarmSetuTech, @MulhouseTrading on Twitter and by subscribing to “The Future of Agri-Food Supply Chain” newsletter: